Chesed and chesed activities are part of the core of Shivtei and our values. We take pride in our community and in being able to help our members both in times of need but also to celebrate in each other’s smachot. We truly believe that acts of kindness can accompany our members through every life event, and we encourage our community to participate in helping others.
We achieve this through the following activities:
Meal rotas for shiva homes, births, new arrivals, families in bidud
A volunteer network set up to help with grocery or pharmacy shops for members unable to do this themselves
A call rota set up for times of need for the “chevra” and single parent households in the community
Our new faces and family committee makes sure new families to the community are made to feel welcome and we arrange for them to be hosted with existing members in order to meet new people in the community.
Members offer to host new members or people on the periphery of our community for Shabbat and Chaggim meals
A TLC group that shares information about people in the community who could do with a little extra love and care (This group’s members and information shared here remains strictly confidential).
We arrange visits to members of our community who have been ill or find themselves alone
Shivtei’s “Loaves of Love” encourage the bakers in our community to bake an extra challah, cake or batch of cookies for members in our community and for them to deliver it to them to give a little extra love to these families before Shabbat. Recipients include celebrants, people in shiva, families of soldiers who are drafting, people who live alone etc
If you are interested in helping with any of the above mentioned activities please reach out to Eli at [email protected]
If G-d forbid you ever find yourself in need, or even if you want to share your amazing simcha with the community, please don’t hesitate to reach out!